
Dov Kivlovitch

Education: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law School (LL.B.), Business The College of Management Business School (B.A. in Business Administration), with honors, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning of the Technion, Haifa, advanced Town Planning studies. Formerly legal counsel for large non profit organizations. Languages: Hebrew and English.
Areas of Practice :
Commercial and Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Contract Law, Labor Law, Banking Law, Sports Law, Mediation.
Certified by the Ministry of Justice to prepare continuous power of attorney.

Tel: (972)-3-5164949
Fax: (972)-3-5164143
Weiss Porat & Co. Law Offices
2 Kaufman St., 12th Floor Tel Aviv, 6801294, Israel
נבנה ע"י לק"י בניית אתרי אינטרנט