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1. Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Israel (Read)
By Zeev Weiss, Attorney at Law
2. The 5th Framework Programme of the European Community (Read)
By Zeev Weiss, Adv. and Jean David Cohen, Adv.
in co-operation with Cabinet Bismuth, Avocats
3. Imposing Anti Dumping Measures – More Complex Than It Seems (Read)
By Zeev Weiss Adv. and Nelly Zilberlicht
4. The World Bank's Doing Business Project in Which We Are Partners
By Ronen Bar-Even, Attorney at Law and Eylam Weiss, Attorney at Law
5. Time to look towards the Land of The Rising Sun – The Changes in Japan's Economy Create Opportunities for Israel-Japan Business (Read)
By Zeev Weiss, Attorney at Law – published in the International Trade magazine of Ha'aretz
6. Israeli-Japanese partnerships on business, tech blossoming
(עם הפנים לארץ השמש העולה – השינויים בכלכלת יפן מהווים הזדמנות להרחבת העסקים בין ישראל ויפן (לקריאה
'מאת עו"ד זאב וייס, פורסם במגזין סחר חוץ של עיתון 'הארץ